• Taking the next step

    PSUSD recognizes the value of partnering with local businesses and industry members. The district conducts annual business advisory meetings, and business and industry members are a valuable component to the program. They provide vital feedback on curriculum, volunteer in the classroom, offer internship and job shadowing opportunities, and function as guest speakers and student mentors. It takes only one pivotal role model to inspire your student – someone who demonstrates the power of working at something he or she loves.



  • Career Awareness

    At this level students build an awareness of the variety of careers that are available and the role of post secondary education.  Activities may include using Career Cruising Software, guest speakers, workplace tours, career fairs, or visit parents at work.

    Career Exploration

    At this level, students explore career options and begin to explore secondary and post-secondary educational options.  Activities may include using Career Cruising Software, informational interviews, job shadowing, or virtual exchanges with mentors.


    Middle School Courses include:Cooking Club Photo

    Digital Media – Nellie Coffman, Raymond Cree, James Workman, and Desert Springs


    Middle School Clubs include:

    Skills USA (digital media) – Nellie Coffman

    JUMP (Junior Upcoming Medical Professionals) – Nellie Coffman

    Career Preparation

    At this level students apply their learning through practical experiences that develop their knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers and post-secondary education.

    Activities may include creating integrated projects with multiple interactions with career professionals, participation in student-based organizations, service learning, and mentor programs.


    Career Training


    At this level students train for employment and/or post-secondary education in a specific range of occupations.

    Activities may include:

    • Internships
    • Clinical Experiences
    • On-the-job training
    • Work Experience

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