Board of Education
The Palm Springs Unified School District Board of Education is made up of five elected trustees. Trustees are elected for four-year terms. Board Members are elected to represent one of five Trustee Areas.
Madonna Gerrell
Board President
Karen Cornett
Board Clerk
John Gerardi
Board Member
Sergio Espericueta
Board Member
Charlie E. Ervin Jr.
Board Member
Student Board of Education members representing our five district high schools for the 2024-25 school year.
Pictured are PSUSD’s 2024-25 Student Board of Education members (one from each of our five high schools) are: Kimberly Rodriguez Nuñez, Suraiya Silvernail, Diego Jaurequi, Micah Henry and Philip Gonzales.
Watch the Latest Board Meeting
Board Meeting Logistics
Speaking at a Board Meeting
Public comments take place during the Hearing Section of a Board meeting or at the time a particular item is considered.
The Board President will call your name and ask you to approach the podium at the appropriate time. To allow everyone the opportunity to speak, the Board asks that all participants respect the time limits accorded to each speaker.
Proper decorum is requested at all times. Speakers will be asked to step down if improper language, topics or closed session items are discussed.
Order of Business
Welcome to the Board of Education of the Palm Springs Unified School District. We are glad you have shown an interest in the District's activities. Your participation increases the public's awareness, promotes understanding and maintains accountability. The Board warmly welcomes your input. Board meetings are conducted for the purpose of carrying on the District's business. All meetings of the Board are open to the public, with the exception of Closed Session meetings. (Government Code 54954.2)
The Board of Education regularly holds two (2) meetings each month. Regular meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the Board Room of Palm Springs Unified School District Administration-Education Center located at
150 District Center Drive, Palm Springs, CA (unless otherwise indicated on the posted agenda).
The Board agenda is posted at the District Office and online and is freely accessible to the public. The Board takes action only on those items appearing on the agenda. The order of business at a regular meeting of the Board is as follows in the tabs below.
Addressing the Board
Any member of the public may place a matter directly related to the school district's business on the agenda of a Regular Board meeting, subject to the following conditions:
The request must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent together with supporting documents and information, if any, at least five (5) school days before the legally required posting of the agenda, which is 72 hours prior to the regular meeting.
The Superintendent is the sole judge of whether the request is a "matter directly related to school district business."
The Board will only discuss agenda items and does not participate in a discussion with members of the audience.
Certain topics are sensitive in nature and are therefore only discussed in the Governing Board's Closed Session meetings.
Personnel issues, legal disputes, and disciplinary actions are examples of such topics. This protects the privacy of those involved.
The Board of Education may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to each topic at any meeting. The Board may also limit the time allowed for any one person to speak on each topic at that meeting.