- Desert Hot Springs HS
- Career Interest Survey
Why Take a Career Interest Survey?
What do you want to do when you grow up?
What do you want to do after High School?
(How many times have you been asked this already? LOL)
The first step to being successful is to have a plan. People that set goals and look at the long term tend to be more successful in life.
If you don't have an answer for that question or "I don't know?" Well, sorry but no one is going to give you an answer!
It is up to you to decide what you want to do and get the most out of YOUR life!
The simplest way to start is to take stock in yourself and your career interests and how you can match them up to a possible career.
It's best to get a start on a few ideas you think you would be interested in career-wise and investigate what you have to do to get there.
- What skills are needed?
- What education is required?
- What are the job duties?
- Will I enjoy performing those duties on a daily basis for an extended period of time?
- Will I earn enough money to have the lifestyle I want?
The first step is to take an interest survey to match your interest in possible careers.
Directions to Take Survey
- Go to californiacolleges.edu
- Using your PSUSD email to log in/create an account.
- On the top of the page in the middle put your cursor on "Career". When you do this, you will see a list of options to explore.
- The one you want to go to is Career Interest and under that is Interest Profiler.
- Click on Interest Profiler. From this point, you will be able to match up things you like or dislike to questions being asked. This will give you a listing of what types of jobs match your interest level at the end.
- Hit "get started".
- When you are done you will see 6 Topics and how your answers match them.
- Realistic
- Investigative
- Artistic
- Social
- Enterprising
- Coventional
- The more you matched, the more jobs in that area may appeal to you. Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit the BIG BLUE button "SHOW CAREERS"
- Listed in order of greatest matches are possible careers.It will show the career, the education level required, the annual salary, and how closely your interests matched up to that career. If you click on the job title for each career, you will see:
- The responsibilities for that career
- A video giving a brief synopsis of what is involved in that career
- Work activities for that career
- Related careers
- Educational level required
- Skils needed
- Personal interests you should have for that career
- Salary potential
- Growth in that career
- Colleges that offer the majors needed for that career
Investigate the list that was generated based on your interests. Maybe you never even thought of some of those careers!
There are many careers you may not have even known existed or colleges that offered majors for it.
Watch the videos! Explore the web site! Reflect on What You are Watching!! Enjoy!!!