Desert Learning Academy Elementary Tiered Reengagement System
When families join Desert Learning Academy, they join a learning community that participates fully and supports one another. The choice to join means you agree to:
- 100% Zoom Attendance and Participation
Students will actively participate in all daily Zoom classes with cameras turned on. - Work Completion
All See Saw assignments will be turned in daily (students are given 2 school days to complete each assignment.) - Academic Mastery
STAR Assessments
The staff of DLA agrees to provide a level of support to ensure the highest level of student success possible within our program. The following Tier Support and Engagement systems hold us accountable for helping students learn. This system also has students and families accountable to be engaged in this learning process as well. Students are required to complete work daily, attend support appointments, and give full effort. Elementary families are required to support their students through academic support, emotional encouragement, accountability, and engaging with DLA educators.
Tier Indicators:Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Reengagement (4 weeks)
Zoom Attendance/ Participation
- Zoom class attendance and participation 80% or better
- Zoom class attendance and participation 79-50%
- Zoom class attendance and participation 49% or less
- Tier 3 interventions have been in place 2 weeks and there is little or no improvement
Work Completion
- 90% or better work completion
- 65-89% Work Completion
- Less than 64% work completion
- Tier 3 interventions have been in place 2 weeks and there is little or no improvement
Academic Mastery
- 50% STAR PR score in Reading
- 50% STAR PR score in Math
50th Percentile Rank (PR): Indicates that the student is performing at the median level for their grade.
- 25% STAR PR score in Reading
- 25% STAR PR score in Math
25th-49th Percentile Rank(PR) may indicate the need for additional support.
- 10% STAR PR score in Reading
- 10% STAR PR score in Math
Below the 25th Percentile Rank(PR) may indicate the need for more additional support.
- Tier 3 interventions have been in place 2 weeks and there is little or no improvement
Tier 2 and 3: Targeted Supports
- Literacy coach?
- Small group instruction?
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Reengagement (4 weeks)
Supports and Student Requirements
- Zoom direct instruction daily by credentialed teacher
- Paraprofessional tutoring as needed
- Students required to attend 1 small group intervention session per week
- Attendance phone calls for students below 80%
- Students required to attend 2 intervention sessions per week
- Attendance phone calls for students below 80%
- Continued Tier 3 Supports
- Parents must attend weekly Zoom meetings with MTSS staff or admin designees. Return to traditional elementary if no improvement
- 100% Zoom Attendance and Participation

Mr. Rexall-Scott, 3rd and 4th Grade, 760-778-0487
- Core Classes: English Language Arts, English Language Development, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
- Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education/ English as a Second Language, Certification in Gifted and Talented K-8, Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership
- Teaching Credential: Multiple Subjects, and Administrative Services Credential
- Years in Education: 24
- Online Learning Certification:
Mr. Svoboda, 5th Grade, 760-778-0487 x2202
- Core Classes: Language Arts, Math, Science, & Social Studies
- Degrees: BS Elementary Education; MA Elementary Curriculum & Instruction; ABD: Organizational Leadership
- Teaching Credential: Multiple Subjects
- Years in Education: 26
- Online Learning Certification: Edgenuity/Accelerate trained