  • Studying College Life GIF

STAR Testing: January 13 - February 7, 2025

    • These tests are for all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders ONLY.  
    • STAR tests are for Math and Reading English.
    • Students must use the school's Chrome to access the secure browser for the tests. 
    • If your Chrome is not working properly, please come to the school's Office as soon as possible to replace it.
    • Students using a personal device instead of the school's Chrome will not have access to the tests.
    • STAR TESTS Instructions sheet (click here) Please read the instructions before testing.
    • For questions or assistance, please get in touch with your lead teacher.
  • Animated GIF 

CAASPP Testing 2025 - 11th graders only (TBD)

  • Below is the CAASPP high school testing schedule for all eligible 11th-grade students.  The Principal, Dr. Michael Grainger, will message this to students and families. That way students will have plenty of notice as to the dates and times for the testing sessions.
    DLA has created 8 open test sessions, during which students may take any of the following four examinations:
    • Mathematics- Computer Adapted Test (CAT)
    • Mathematics- Performance Task
    • English Language Arts – Computer Adapted Test (CAT)
    • English Language Arts- Performance Task.
    These are the testing sessions:  TBA
    AM Session
    PM Session