Middle School Course Overview and Description (Hybrid)
Classes at DLA are a full implementation of hi-flex online learning. Students spend a minimum of one day a week on campus receiving direct instruction from highly qualified teachers. All students start their week with a Monday right-start lab on Zoom. They then continue their learning at home through the use of Edgenuity courses. These courses have videos of teachers teaching the concepts, interactive practice, lab assignments, journal activities and mastery quizzes. When students or parents need additional help, there are on campus and Zoom opportunities for tutoring and support.
Students 6th-8th take courses in Math, English Language Arts, Science, & History. PE is required. Some activities available depending on grade are Leadership and Art.
HyFlex Support System for Desert Learning Academy Middle School
Tier 1 Support
- 1 Day Weekly On Campus
- 1 Zoom Weekly
Tier 2 Support
- 1 Day Weekly On Campus
- 2-3 Zooms Weekly
Tier 3 Support
- 2 Days Weekly On Campus
- 2-3 Zooms Weekly
Probationary Support
- Twice Weekly On Campus
- 3+ Zooms Per Week
- Weekly Parent Meeting
- 100% attendance (Edgenuity work and PE completed)
- 80%
attendance in one attendance report period
- Any instance of less than 80% attendance
- 80% attendance in more than one report period
- All students who have been at Tier 3 for at least 30 days and have not improved will be considered probationary and will be placed on a probationary contract.
- During the 4-week probation period, if the student does not improve, they will be removed from the IS program and return to their home school.
- Weekly parent conference Zoom meetings required
- Reading Assessment Score Above 45
- Reading Assessment Score 40-45
- Reading Assessment Score Below 40
- SBAC or STAR Scores in Blue or Green (At or Near Grade Level)
- SBAC or STAR Scores in Yellow (Intervention Needed)
- SBAC or STAR Scores in Red (Intensive Intervention Needed)
- EL Level 4 or RFEP
- EL Level 3
- EL Level 1 or 2
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- GPA 2.5-2.9
- Low GPA (less than 2.5)
- Grades are at or above a “B” actual grade in all courses
- Grades are at a “C” actual grade in any course
- Grades are below a “C” actual grade in any course
- All scheduled appointments attended (Weekly Zooms, Learning Coach meetings, testing)
- Missed 1-2 scheduled appointment (Weekly Zooms, Learning Coach meetings)
- Missed 3 or more on campus appointments, (Weekly Zooms, or Learning Coach meetings missed each month)
- Parent Meeting every quarter
- Parent Meeting every quarter
- Parent Meeting monthly
- On IEP with Minimal service hours
- On IEP
- All new and reenrolling students will be on Probation for the first 30 days
- Tiered system is for purposes of providing necessary support students need to be successful
- All students MUST attend weekly coaching meetings with learning coaches either on campus or on Zoom
- EL status will not place students in probationary status
- All Math and ELA Unit Tests must be completed on campus proctored by a teacher
Tier SupportTier 1 Support
Tier 2 Support
Tier 3 Support
On Campus 1 Day per Week
On Campus 1 Day Per Week
On Campus 2 Days per Week
On Campus 2 Days per Week
Zoom-Mondays Only 9am
Zoom Monday 9am and 1 Additional Session
Zoom Monday 9am, Friday 9am and 1 Additional Session TBD
Zoom Monday 9am, Friday 9:30am and 1 Additional Session TBD
Zoom Tutoring Available 2 Days per Week
Zoom Tutoring Available 2 Days per Week
Zoom Tutoring Available 2 Days per Week
Zoom Tutoring Available 2 Days per Week
*Students are required to participate in the support provided

Ms. Darci Syfert, 760-778-0487 Ext. 2306
Email: dsyfert@psusd.us- Core Classes: English, Social Science
- Degrees: Bachelor's degree from Concordia University, Irvine, Master's degree in Education
- Teaching Credentials: Multiple Subject, Specialist Instruction in Special Education
- Years in Education: 23
- Online Learning Certification: Leading Edge
Ms. Joanna Edwards, 760-778-0487 Ext. 2395
Email: jedwards@psusd.us- Core Classes: 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Math
- Degrees: Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside, and Master's in Middle School Education from California State University, San Bernardino.
- Teaching Credentials: Professional Clear Single Subject in Mathematics and Supplementary Chemistry Credential.
- Years in Education: 28
- Additional Languages: Polish
Ms. Ursula Fabiano, 760-778-0487 Ext. 2394
Email: ufabiano@psusd.us- Core Classes: Math, Science
- Degrees: Bachelor’s Degree from Cal State San Bernardino, Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology
- Teaching Credential: Multiple Subject
- Years in Education: 12 years
- Online Learning Certification: Leading Edge