Google Classrooms and Zoom Links
Subject/Course Teacher Google Classroom Zoom Meeting ID Zoom Passcode Zoom Link Alternate Zoom Link DLA High School 2024-2025 High School Teachers zznkzv2 Living Earth Mrs. Borun ffllodi 3715293719 None Mrs. Borun's Zoom Chemistry Mrs. Borun petuoms 3715293719 None Mrs. Borun's Zoom Physics Mrs. Borun zwdfxim 3715293719 None Mrs. Borun's Zoom Science of Health & Wellness Mrs. Borun uhd5d5d 3715293719 None Mrs. Borun's Zoom Forensic Science Mrs. Borun lanh4if 3715293719 None Mrs. Borun's Zoom Psychology Mrs. Borun ffxwjgv 3715293719 None Mrs. Borun's Zoom Printmaking/Ceramics Mr. Ciali zffulss 86023408442 None Ms. Bray's Zoom Art I (Wednesdays) Mr. Ciali nmorpyx 86023408442 None Ms. Bray's Zoom Art I Ms. Bray le6ir4d 86023408442 None Ms. Bray's Zoom English I Ms. Colby gtemocj 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom English 2 Ms. Colby aqh7ktm 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom English 3 Ms. Colby 65hoj7c 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom ERWC (English 4) Ms. Colby darzrln 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom 11th grade CAASPP Math & English Prep Ms. Colby/Mr. Cousineau cmbcr2e Ms. Colby's Zoom AP English Language & Composition Ms. Colby kdnqyml 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom AP Literature & Composition Ms. Colby zzl5piz 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom Designated English - Levels 3/4 Ms. Colby uvjagsm 4633580599 None Ms. Colby's Zoom Success 101 Ms. Moreno-Nicholas f63tb4o 4937896388 None Freshman Seminar Ms. Moreno-Nicholas iu42hpx 4937896388 None Career Technical Ed. (CTE) program Ms. Moreno-Nicholas none 4937896388 None Work Experience Ms. Moreno-Nicholas none 4937896388 None Spanish 1 Mrs. Valenzuela dd2ejhz 7359381362 None Spanish 2 Mrs. Valenzuela aou6fzg 7359381362 None Spanish 3 Mrs. Valenzuela xibasy5 7359381362 None World & US History, Civics & Economics Mr. Wheaton i7abihj 4928986850 4K2KtB Integrated Math 1 Q2 Mr. Cousineau & Ms. Edwards y64ovjk 84490786504 None Instruction Intervention Integrated Math 2 Q2 Mr. Cousineau & Ms. Edwards lmszhf4 84490786504 None Instruction Intervention Integrated Math 3 Q2 Mr. Cousineau & Ms. Edwards yl7mys7 84490786504 None Instruction Intervention
Google Classrooms and Zoom links for all High School courses and teachers.
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