• J.U.M.P.

    Adviser Mr. Koch

    Meetings: This club meets on Monday's after school from 3:35pm-4:35pm on zoom.
    JUMP (Junior Upcoming Medical Professionals) is a NATIONAL Middle School organization under HOSA assisting 7th & 8th graders  explore medical/health careers. (HOSA is a national career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA is composed of secondary and post secondary/collegiate students. It is the largest student organization that prepares students to enter the health care field!)

    *Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.

    *Students compete in regional, state, and national competitions. 

    *Students visit local hospitals and other medical institutions for behind the scenes tours and one on ones with field leaders.

    For more information, please email Mr. Koch here.