• School Site Council

    What is the primary purpose and role of a School Site Council?

    • Any school that operates a categorical program funded through the Consolidated Application (ConApp) is required to establish a School Site Council (SSC) if such program requires School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) – CA Education Code 65000(b)
    • The SSC must: 
      • Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment including analysis of state and local data
      • Provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program
      • Participate in the development and approval of the school’s SPSA
    •  All PSUSD schools operate programs funded through the ConApp, therefore every PSUSD school must have an SSC.


    What are the responsibilities of a School Site Council?

    • The SSC develops the content of the SPSA. [EC 64001(g)(1)]
    • The SSC also must review and update annually the SPSA, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the ConApp and LCAP.  [EC 64001(i)]
    • The SSC must:
      • Conduct a schoolwide needs assessment in preparation for SPSA development.
      • Develop and approve the SPSA, including the proposed expenditure of funds, based on the findings of the needs assessment.
      • Recommend the SPSA, including expenditures of funds, to the PSUSD Board of Education for approval.
      • Provide on-going monitoring throughout the school year of the implementation of the strategies/services in the SPSA  to ensure the plan is addressing the needs of the school and its students.
      • Make modifications to the SPSA if a need arises.
      • Annually evaluate through a needs assessment and update the SPSA to meet the identified needs.