We understand that before and after school dismissal can be frustrating and that at times we can be in a hurry to get to the next place. However, safety is our number one priority, and we ask that you follow the school procedures and staff directions to ensure that everyone gets to and from school safely.
For student drop-off before school, please enter the parking lot through the entrance by the MPR. The access by the mailbox and on Two Bunch Palms Trail are exits only. Please follow the posted signs. Please follow staff directions, pull up as far as you can to the wall in front of the office, and have your student(s) get out of the vehicle on the curbside of the vehicle. It is very helpful and helps traffic move faster if you have your child ready to exit the car as soon as it stops. If you need to have a conversation or an extended goodbye, please park in a marked parking space in the parking lot. Once your student has moved away from the car, you may leave. We have staff outside watching students enter the campus. We encourage you to arrive early and allow your students to enjoy their free breakfast with their classmates to avoid the traffic.
If you bring your student late and do not wish to walk your student in, please pull up in front of the office. Do NOT pull away until you see your child walk into the office.
Please click here to see our dismissal procedures document.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please make an appointment with Mrs. Fenton or Mr. Gray.