Grades 1-5 (NO Kindergarten siblings/family members)
For the daily bell schedule click here.
Families, we ask for your support and contribution in keeping our Coyotes safe during pick up. Pick up will be similar to drop off. Drive through the loop driveway to pick up students on the sidewalk.
Please keep in mind:
- DO NOT park on the loop driveway. *If you need to park, proceed to the designated parking lot.*
- Slow down & watch out for crossing pedestrians.
- Keep the line moving
- NO PARKING in bus lane or loop around area
- All students should be picked off at the loop.
Kindergarten (Dismissed ~ 5-10mins before regular bell)
Parents park on DON ENGLISH WAY or on the main school parking lot by the morning gate to walk and pick up kindergarten students for hand-to-hand daily check out.
*Pick up will be at the Kindergarten gate (please refer to the last photo) next to the main office doors in the front of the school.
- Siblings can be sent to the Kindergarten gate for pick up with Kindergarten student.
- After parents pick up kindergarten student, they can get in the car line to pick up older siblings if needed.