School Profile

      • School Profile

        Julius Corsini Elementary School is in Desert Hot Springs, a community located in the northwest corner of the Coachella Valley, in southern California. Desert Hot Springs has a population of approximately 28,000. The two-story classroom buildings at Julius Corsini Elementary School currently serves approximately four hundred and fifty students in Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth Grades. The Transitional Kindergarten complex is comprised of two classrooms with a separate playground. 94.3% of our students receive free and/or reduced lunch and 30.8% of our students are designated as English Language Learners. Julius Corsini will remain on a 2-1-2 weekly calendar this school year. This means that every Wednesday, the students will be released early so that administration and teachers can attend professional development opportunities, student data meetings, grade-level collaboration, and faculty meetings. The time set aside every Wednesday will be from 12:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. 

        All classrooms at Julius Corsini Elementary have View Sonics and access to wireless internet. Programs and websites are available for student use. Each student in grades TK-5 has 1:1 access to a Chrome Book. Currently, all teachers have a personal laptop and have participated in training to use the various technology tools and programs available. 

        Julius Corsini Elementary is a Title I school site. All students are monitored regularly to ensure that their reading and mathematics needs are met through classroom practices and school interventions. Teachers use the Student Study Team to help identify students needing additional academic and behavioral support. The English Language Learners receive full instruction in English. 

        For the 2024-2025 school year, Julius Corsini will be aligned with the Palm Springs Unified School District's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP describes how the district intends to meet annual goals for all pupils, the specific activities to address state and locally identified priorities. Areas of focus for the purpose of increasing proficiency levels for all students will include:

        (1) Having all students actively engaged in learning during the instructional day; (2) Building teacher capacity to engage students by using specific and targeted learning strategies; (3) Extend learning time and active engagement of students through technology; (4) Utilize formative and summative benchmark assessments to gauge students’ learning needs, as well as achievement levels and plan instruction based on those needs to assist students in mastering the rigor of the standard; & (5) Targeting students for interventions in reading and mathematics to provide additional scaffolds and supports to bridge learning gaps that may exist. 

        School-wide programs include: 

        We provide a Structured English Immersion program for English learners in which nearly all classroom instruction is provided in English, but with a curriculum and a presentation designed for pupils who are learning English. At a minimum, students are offered a strong, structured, sequential English Language Development (ELD) program and access to grade-level academic subject matter content.

        Our Transitional and Kindergarten programs are full days. Students are instructed in building phonics and phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, and mathematics. Instructional strategies are supported through Foundational Skills Routines which are implemented through second grade. Professional development for teachers and instructional reinforcement of learned academics in reading, writing, and mathematic skills are a part of the full program TK-5th. 

        Students identified as Gifted and Talented are served through our GATE cluster program in grades 3-5. Students in these grades are placed with teachers who are either GATE certified or participating in training in GATE instructional strategies. All third-grade students are blanket tested to determine GATE identification.

        For Special Education students, we have an Early Childhood class that services our students with special education needs that cannot be met in the general education classroom. RSP support is provided for all students on IEPs who meet the criteria for needing special education services while the majority of their needs can be met in the general education classroom setting. Instruction within a collaborative service delivery model reflects content and performance standards and ensures access to the core curriculum for all students. The Resource Specialist provides support to students through collaboration with the classroom teacher and through direct services that reflect the support identified in the EIP. Our Speech and Language providers are also on-site to support students on an IEP with speech articulation, Language, and communication needs. Students receiving special education services in the Special Day Class (SDC) setting receive some instruction (as appropriate) for both academics and social achievement within the general education classroom setting for portions of the academic day. The materials utilized for the collaboration model are purchased jointly through the special education department and site funds. 

        Students not receiving special education services from a Resource Specialist, but who are significantly at risk of academic failure are targeted during our Tier 2 classroom interventions focusing on ELA and math skills. This includes our schoolwide ELA intervention, a 60-minute intervention block in the classroom. Classroom teachers are consistently assessing student growth in reading comprehension in order to provide guided reading support during the ELA intervention block and increase student reading proficiency for struggling students. For students needing additional reading support, we have 2 Reading Intervention teachers and 1 paraprofessional providing Tier 3 pull-out reading support throughout the day for qualified general education students in grades 1-5. 

        Instruction within a collaborative service delivery model reflects content and performance standards and ensures access to the core curriculum for all students. Students' performance is evaluated by utilizing curriculum embedded assessments, district performance indicators, and CAASPP data. Staff work together as grade level and vertical teams to collaborate on instructional strategies and interventions that meet individual student needs while promoting critical thinking, social and emotional development, and an overall love of learning. 

      Perfil Escolar

      • Perfil Escolar

        La Escuela Primaria Julius Corsini se encuentra en Desert Hot Springs, una comunidad ubicada en el lado noroeste del Valle de Coachella, en el sur de California. Desert Hot Springs tiene una población de aproximadamente 28,000 habitantes. Los predios de dos plantas de salones de clase de la escuela actualmente sirven a alrededor de quinientos alumnos de kínder de transición (TK, por sus siglas en inglés) a 5.º grado. El complejo del kínder está conformado por dos salones de clase con un patio de recreo separado. En 2009, se completó una nueva estructura de comedor al aire libre, un laboratorio informático y una biblioteca.

        Todos los salones de clase de la Escuela Primaria Julius Corsini cuentan con proyectores LCD, cámaras de documentos, ViewSonic y acceso a Internet a través de una red inalámbrica. Hay programas y sitios web disponibles para el uso de los alumnos. Cada alumno de TK a 5.º grado y de 1.º a 5.º grado tienen acceso individual a un Chromebook. En este momento, todos los maestros tienen una computadora portátil personal y han participado en capacitaciones con el objetivo de utilizar las diversas herramientas tecnológicas y programas disponibles.

        La Escuela Primaria Julius Corsini es un establecimiento escolar de Título I. Se supervisa a todos los estudiantes con frecuencia a fin de garantizar que sus necesidades en lectura y matemáticas se cumplan a través de prácticas del salón de clase e intervenciones escolares. Los maestros utilizan el equipo de evaluadores de desempeño académico para detectar a los alumnos que necesitan apoyo académico y conductual adicional. Este apoyo puede también incluir recursos de educación especial, como Clases Especiales Diurnas, el Programa Especialista en Recursos y servicios de habla y lenguaje. El Programa para Alumnos superdotados y Talentosos está disponible para los alumnos detectados. Los estudiantes del inglés reciben toda la instrucción en inglés.

        Para el ciclo escolar 2024-2025, la Escuela Primaria Julius Corsini estará alineada con el Plan de Contabilidad y Control Local (LCAP, por sus siglas en inglés) del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs. El LCAP describe cómo el distrito busca lograr las metas anuales de todos los alumnos, las actividades específicas para abordar las prioridades estatales y locales observadas. Las áreas de concentración incluirán las siguientes: 

        Logros académicos, desarrollo de Recursos Humanos, personal altamente calificado, entornos seguros y protegidos, entornos de aprendizaje seguros y saludables y asociaciones de los padres y la comunidad.

        La Escuela Primaria Julius Corsini abordará estas áreas de las siguientes maneras: Logros académicos

        1. instrucción de las normas básicas (Wonders, “Bridges” [Puentes] en matemáticas y Amplify Science);

        2. evaluación continua para detectar deficiencias en la lectoescritura temprana (DIBELS y ESGI);

        3. Respuesta a la instrucción (RtI, por sus siglas en inglés): desarrollo de unidades y grupos de lectura guiada creados a partir de las evaluaciones de las normas de poder;

        4. instrucción matemática que se centra en la comprensión conceptual y la fluidez (“Bridges” [Puentes] en matemáticas, estrategias de alto impacto en matemáticas, “Number Corner” [Espacio de Números] y Orenda);

        5. aprendizaje basado en proyectos;

        6. aceleración del logro de estudiantes del inglés a través de desarrollo del idioma inglés (ELD, por sus siglas en inglés) designado (Wonders);

        7. oportunidades de enriquecimiento que requieren pensamiento crítico;

        8. días de carrera para abordar la preparación profesional y universitaria.

        Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos y personal altamente calificado

        1. comunidades de aprendizaje profesional que se reúnen semanalmente;

        2. maestros altamente calificados asignados en áreas de necesidad;

        3. apoyo de capacitadores reflexivos.


        Entornos seguros y protegidos y entornos de aprendizaje seguros y saludables

        1. programa “Positive Behavior Intervention and Support” (Apoyo e intervención para la conducta positiva) (PBIS, por sus siglas en inglés) a nivel escolar;

        2. lecciones de “Second Step” (Segundo Paso) (para el bienestar socioemocional) impartidas cada semana;

        3. plantel cerrado;

        4. orientadora académica para atender las necesidades de los alumnos;

        5. terapeuta de salud mental dos días a la semana para apoyar las necesidades de los alumnos y las familias;

        6. auxiliar docente de seguridad y conducta en el establecimiento a fin de apoyar la seguridad de los alumnos.


        Asociaciones de los padres y la comunidad

        1. talleres para padres de ciclo de cuatro semanas con el objetivo de apoyar a los padres y las familias;

        2. aumento de los padres que dan de su tiempo;

        3. noche de juegos familiares bimensuales a fin de vincular las lecciones de las normas básicas del estado (CCSS, por sus siglas en inglés) con el tiempo de diversión familiar.