School Site Council
The Rio Vista Council (SSC) is a governing board of the school that determines how we spend the state and federal monies allocated to Rio Vista. The primary focus of the Site Council is to ensure that the monies are spent on supporting our students and their learning. The council is made up of 5 parents and 5 staff members (teachers, principal, support staff). Site Council meetings are open to the public and participation is welcomed and appreciated. Below are the agendas/minutes for our meetings. Agendas are posted in the file locker below 72 hours prior to the scheduled site council meeting.
2024-25 Meetings
All Rio Vista Site Council Meetings are occurring in person & online using Zoom for the 2024-25 School Year
Zoom meeting link is the same for each meeting (except the training meeting on 9/18/24).
In-person location: Rio Vista Office Conference Room
Link to join meeting:
Meeting ID: 829 3107 3387
Phone in #: 1 669 900 9128- 9/18/24 4pm - 5pm Zoom Link for Training Meeting:
- 9/24/24 4pm - 5pm
- 10/15/24 4pm - 5pm
- 10/28/24 4pm - 5pm
11/12/24 4pm - 5pm- 12/10/24 4pm - 5pm
- 1/14/25 4pm - 5pm
- 2/11/25 4pm - 5pm
- 3/11/25 4pm - 5pm
- 4/22/25 4pm - 5pm
- 4/29/25 4pm - 5pm
All meetings are open to the public! Please join our meetings!
Site Council File Locker & Links
- Member Roster & Terms
- Agendas
- Minutes of Meetings
- Bylaws
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- State Testing Results - CDE (Data Quest)
- Information on Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
School Site Council Membership Info
The SSC shall be composed of the both of the following two groups:
School Group Members: The principal of the school or his or her designee; school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, selected by school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, and classroom teachers employed at the school, selected by classroom teachers employed at the school; The classroom teachers selected shall constitute a majority of the school members selected; and
Parent and/or Community Group Members: Parents of pupils attending the school, or other members of the school community, selected by parents of pupils attending the school. The number of parent and/or community members selected shall equal the number of school members selected.