Sunny Sands Elementary School is in Cathedral City, California, a community in the Coachella Valley located within Riverside County. Sunny Sands is one of 15 elementary schools in the Palm Springs Unified School District. Sunny Sands serves appropriately 750 students in Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth grade. Our dedicated staff enjoys teaching and working with a diverse student population. We have children who speak many languages with Spanish being the most dominant. Approximately, Forty percent of our students are English Language Learners and we offer our ELL students daily English Language Development and Spanish support as needed. Sunny Sands prides itself on having 95% of students attending school on a regular basis each school year. All students receive free breakfast and lunch. The Sunny Sands staff believes in strong home to school communication and we strive to work in partnership with our families. The Sunny Sands website provides parents with up-to-date information about school activities, grade level events, educational websites, and announcements.