• Cathedral City Elementary Parent Teacher Group

Parents & Teachers working together for the common good of our students

  • The mission of the CCE PTG is to first and foremost support our students! Our efforts to raise funds and support the faculty, staff, ultimately create a stronger community within our school. Parents and teachers working together for the common good of all of our students.

Meet Your Representatives

  • President:  Sandra Cardenas
    Vice President: Maria Rubio
    Treasurer: Kristina Ervin
    Secretary: Leonor Moran

  • PTG Portal

CCE PTG Responsibilities


      • President- The president shall preside at all meetings and have general supervision of the affairs of the organization. The president will work with the organization's elected officers in directing the affairs of the organization, including monitoring organization progress. The president will prepare the agenda for all meetings and distribute to members.

        He/she will have the authority to modify or change the agenda if it is determined to be in the best interest of the organization's work. All financial checks must be signed by both the President and the Treasurer. The President shall appoint an auditor, independent of the treasurer, to review all the financial records a minimum of once a year.

        Vice-President- The vice-president shall exercise all duties in the absence of the president. The vice-president will maintain a listing of the membership with telephone numbers, addresses, and attendance and will assist the president as needed.

        Secretary- The secretary is responsible for keeping a full and accurate account of the proceedings and transactions of all meetings; providing copies of minutes to members in a timely fashion; preparing any official correspondence that the president may request; maintaining an organization file containing copies of all agendas, minutes, organization plans, a current copy of bylaws, copy of insurance, copy of annual authorization form, and any other necessary document.

        Treasurer- The treasurer is responsible for the proper handling and giving a receipt of all monies raised at fundraisers and events; for completing the annual financial report each year and distributing to appropriate people; and for maintaining all financial records of the organization. All financial checks must be signed by both the President and the Treasurer.

      Teacher & PTG Parent Representatives

      • Teachers Representatives- Teacher’s are responsible for giving input to PTG about grade level needs and attending all meetings. 

        PTG Parent- volunteer at fundraisers and give input about how we can improve student experience and school culture

      School Community Liaison

      • School Community Liaison- Support parent groups. Assist in creating PTG agendas, volunteers, and posting PTG agendas.