• About the Technology Department

    What does the Technology Department do, and how can they support?

  • Technical Support Having trouble with your email, internet, or device? Our Techs handle implementation and repair of most district technologies.
  • Data Systems The Data Systems Team prioritizes student data by offering support for systems, like Synergy, that track progress, manage access to learning platforms, and streamline communication, all to foster student growth.
  • Network Support They manage everything from classroom Wi-Fi to data center infrastructure, along with security measures like firewalls and access control to create a safe and modern learning environment.
  • Tech TOSA Do you want to learn how to effectively use a new tool, app, or technology in the classroom? This team handles teaching teachers how to effectively integrate digital technologies into their lessons.
  • Website Design Need help sprucing up your Blackboard/FinalSite webpage or training on how to update content? The webmaster is here to empower you!
  • Help Desk Be sure to reach out to our Help Desk Technician, (760) 992-3200, Ext 1210, for further assistance helping with your classroom and/or workspace.

    Now that you know what the tech team supports,
    make sure to submit a request/ticket for all your tech needs!

  • Tickets are assigned to the exact person that can assist you!

  • Meet the Technology Team!

  • Data Systems
  • ETIS Admin
  • Network Support
  • Tech TOSA
  • Technical Support
  • Website Support
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