1st 8:35 - 9:35
2nd 9:40 - 10:40
3rd 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:20
4th 12:25 - 1:25
5th 1:30 - 2:30
1st 9:35 - 10:00
2nd 10:05 - 10:30
Elective 10:35 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05-12:35
3rd 12:40 - 1:05
4th 1:10 - 1:35
5th 1:40 - 2:05
Hello Parents & Guardians-
I would like to welcome you all to the 2024-2025 school year! On behalf of the staff of both campuses of Mt. San Jacinto High School, I can assure you we are looking forward to working with you and your student.
The first day of school for all students is Wednesday, August 7th. MSJ begins classes at 9:35 that day as part of our Wednesday late-start schedule, but your student should arrive early to make sure they have access to their schedule, find their way around campuses if they’re new, and grab some breakfast if they didn’t get a chance to eat at home. As at all schools in Palm Springs Unified, breakfast and lunch are free for all students.
Before the new year starts, I’d like to remind you that history shows school attendance is important for good grades and success at MSJ; so it is essential that students attend all of their classes each day that they are well enough to attend school. If your student is legitimately ill, please keep them at home; but if not, they need to be on campus.
Finally, I encourage all parents and guardians to help monitor your student’s success. This includes checking ParentVue routinely, reading Remind texts from counseling, downloading and using the features of Parent Square, and reaching out to the school anytime you see your student missing school without your knowledge or doing poorly in classes. It takes us all to help make sure our students are successful!
Best wishes for a wonderful school year,
Brad Seiple,
MSJ Principal
Hola Padres y Tutores,
¡Me gustaría darles la bienvenida a todos al año escolar 2024-2025! En nombre del personal de ambos campus de la Escuela Secundaria Mt. San Jacinto, puedo asegurarles que estamos deseando trabajar con ustedes y con sus estudiantes.
El primer día de clases para todos los estudiantes es el miércoles 7 de agosto. MSJ comienza las clases a las 9:35 ese día como parte de nuestro horario de inicio tardío de los miércoles, pero su estudiante debe llegar temprano para asegurarse de tener acceso a su horario, orientarse en los campus si son nuevos y tomar un desayuno si no tuvieron la oportunidad de comer en casa. Como en todas las escuelas de Palm Springs Unified, el desayuno y el almuerzo son gratuitos para todos los estudiantes.
Antes de que comience el nuevo año, me gustaría recordarles que la historia muestra que la asistencia escolar es importante para obtener buenas calificaciones y tener éxito en MSJ; por lo tanto, es esencial que los estudiantes asistan a todas sus clases cada día que estén lo suficientemente bien para asistir a la escuela. Si su estudiante está legítimamente enfermo, por favor manténgalo en casa; pero si no, deben estar en el campus.
Finalmente, animo a todos los padres y tutores a ayudar a monitorear el éxito de sus estudiantes. Esto incluye revisar ParentVue rutinariamente, leer los mensajes de texto de Remind del departamento de consejería, descargar y usar las funciones de Parent Square, y comunicarse con la escuela en cualquier momento que vean a su estudiante faltar a la escuela sin su conocimiento o tener un rendimiento bajo en las clases. ¡Todos debemos contribuir para asegurarnos de que nuestros estudiantes tengan éxito!
Les deseo un maravilloso año escolar,
Brad Seiple,
Director de MSJ
No more packets of paperwork to complete and return to the school office! Palm Springs Unified School District has implemented an online student verification system through ParentVUE.
All Coachella Valley high school students are now eligible for the Sunline ‘Haul Pass’ program, which gives free bus rides.
Essential guide to your rights when interacting with immigration and other law enforcement. Learn what to do if questioned, detained, or if ICE comes to your door. Includes tips for parents and downloadable resources.
This issue of our report to the community represents some of the major measures and target outcomes from the Palm Springs Unified School District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the District’s overall performance levels on annual accountability measures.
Did you know your child has the opportunity to attend a school other than their designated boundary school? Palm Springs Unified is an Open Enrollment District, providing school choice enrollment for all schools with available space.
Think Together supports working families with afterschool programs and also has opportunities for middle school students to attend before school.
The Palm Springs Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education and employment. The District prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, of any student by anyone, based on the student’s actual or perceived race; color; ancestry; nationality; national origin; immigration status; ethnic group identification; ethnicity; age; religion; pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy or lactation, including related medical conditions or recovery; parental, marital, family status; physical or mental disability; medical condition; sex; sex stereotypes; sex characteristics; sexual orientation; gender; gender identity; gender expression; or genetic information; or, association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
For questions or complaints, contact:
Title IX Coordinator and Equity and Compliance Officer
Dr. Antonia Hunt, Director – Title IX and Compliance
760-883-2703 Ext: 4805026
Section 504 Coordinator
Lisa Todd, Director – Student Services
760-883-2703 Ext: 4805102
All are located at:150 District Center Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92264
Notice of Title IX Nondiscrimination
Address 30800 Landau Blvd, Cathedral City, CA 92234
Phone (760) 770-8563