• Universal Expectations

    Please Review with your child


    Classroom Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Come Prepared
    Follow directions and participate
    Do Your Best

    Be Respectful

    Stay on task
    Follow routines
    Treat others with kindness

    Be safe

    Walk in calmly
    Sit appropriately
    Walk out calmly

    Cafeteria Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Leave a space between you and others in line
    Raise your hand for needed items
    Calmly wait to be dismissed to empty your tray

    Be Respectful

    Use kind words
    Clean up after yourself
    Use an inside voice
    Listen to all adults

    Be Safe

    Keep your hands and feet to yourself
    Eat your own lunch
    Walk at all times

    Playground Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Listen to all adults
    Stay in supervised areas
    Eat food in designated areas

    Be Respectful

    Use kind words
    Wait your turn
    Share equipment

    Be Safe

    Walk / run cautiously
    Keep hands and feet to yourself
    Use playground equipment appropriately

    Hallway Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Go straight to your destination
    Stay on task when walking in the hallway
    Follow directions from all adults

    Be Respectful

    Look with your eyes not with your hands
    Keep voices to a whisper
    Mind your own business while passing others

    Be Safe

    Walk at all times
    Keep hands and feet to yourself (and away from walls)
    Open and close doors carefully and quietly

    Office Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Wait patiently for your turn
    Present your pass and state your purpose
    Use a quiet voice

    Be Respectful

    Use polite language
    Talk to adults only when directed to
    Wait quietly in line

    Be safe

    Keep hands and feet to yourself
    Sit appropriately in a chair

    Library Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Push in your chair
    Sit in your assigned seat
    Read quietly

    Be Respectful

    Use QUIET voices
    Listen to and follow directions
    Wait in a single file line

    Be Safe

    Keep hands and feet to yourself
    Sit appropriately in a chair
    Walk at all times

    Restroom Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Wait your turn quietly
    Wash your hands
    Throw trash in the trash can
    Report inappropriate behavior

    Be Respectful

    Give people privacy
    Use polite words in a quiet voice
    Always flush once

    Be Safe

    Turn off water
    Leave when you are finished
    Report problems (sink/toilet)

    Assembly Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Sit on your bottom with legs crossed
    Follow adult directions
    Face forward and listen to staff or presenter

    Be Respectful

    Quietly Listen
    Use appropriate audience behavior (clapping)

    Be safe

    Keep hands and feet to yourself
    Stay in your area

    Computer Lab Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Only use designated websites
    Follow directions and stay on task
    Leave the room in an orderly fashion

    Be Respectful

    Use equipment with care
    Mind your own business
    Treat others kindly

    Be safe

    Walk carefully around the equipment and cords
    Raise your hand for help
    Sit appropriately

    PE Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Show good sportsmanship: play by the rules
    Return equipment to the designated area

    Be respectful

    Be a team player: encourage others
    Follow all directions
    Wait your turn

    Be safe

    Gum and food free zone
    Use equipment appropriately
    After School Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Wear zipped back packs
    Exit the building through the appropriate door
    Go to pick up area

    Be Respectful

    X Factor (walking with arms crossed)
    Keeps hands, feet and objects to self
    Stay with teacher
    Use quiet voice

    Be Safe

    Stay in gated our secure area
    Walk/carry bikes and scooters on campus
    Know how you are going home

    Stairway Expectations

    Be Responsible

    Face forward
    Walk down the stairs
    Keep all objects away from the wall

    Be Respectful

    Leave appropriate space between yourself and others
    Use inside voice

    Be Safe

    Hold the handrail
    Walk one step at a time
    Keep hands and feet to yourself