• super smash bros

  • High School League of Legends

    League of Legends: League of Legends, commonly referred to as League, is a 2009 multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games. Inspired by Defense of the Ancients, a custom map for Warcraft III, Riot's founders sought to develop a stand-alone game in the same genre.

    All Middle School and High School Teams participate in League of Legends competitions.

    Genres: Multiplayer online battle arena
    Mode: Multiplayer video game
    Platform: Windows  

  • Middle School League of Legends

      S3 Matches

      S2 Matches

      S1 Matches


      Season 3 Current Rankings

      Season 2 Final Rankings

      Season 1 Final Rankings


      • League of Legends 5 v 5

          • 1 match (estimated 45 mins)

          • 1 point for every win. End of season see who has the most points for playoffs.