

Degrees and Certifications:

Desert Valley Esports Alliance

DVEA Esports League is the Desert Valley Esports Alliance. Palm Springs Unified School District is the lead district in this initiative. PSUSD launched the esports program locally with the first DVEA (Desert Valley Esports Alliance) championship competition held in May of 2019. PSUSD currently has Esports clubs at all middle schools and high schools. The goal of DVEA is to build both educational and social benefits by having esports integrated into 9th-12th grades, CTE as well as college preparedness. Esports promotes teamwork and collaboration along with scholarship and career opportunities. The goal of DVEA Esports League is to build and maintain an Esports community with both public and private partnerships. 


Timeline (History of DVEA)

2018- started at EWEC with 5 PC’s

2019- PSHS, MSJ and DSMS with 5 PC’s

2020- All high schools and alternate schools have clubs

2021- Each middle school in PSUSD given 5 PC’s to start a club

2024- Pilot of shoutcasting for esports

Current- All high schools and Alternative schools along with all middle schools and CVC have Esports rooms with the following:

  • Gaming computers
  • Viewsonic
  • Nintento Switches
  • VLAN
  • Coach development

    College Alignment and partnerships

    DVEA 2.0

    Public Awareness

    Equitable Access

  • Esport Entrepreneurship

    Team Branding



    Tournament Management

  • Scholarships

    Technical Esport Support Certification

    IT Network

    PC Design and Tuning

    Streaming Technologies

    Shout casting and Public Speaking

    Student Coaching

DVEA Games